You will agree that fascinators and cocktail hats look great on models in fashion magazines. You may play with the thought to try wearing one yourself for THAT SPECIAL EVENT. But the question many have on your mind is – how to secure a fascinator or cocktail hat? How do they stay in place? Do you need a professional hairdresser or milliner at hand? Is there some magic tape? None of that! All you need to know is a couple of tricks that I will share in this post. Keep them in mind and you can go on party all night through without any fear of loosing your beautiful accessory.
Micro hair elastics for securing fascinators or cocktail hats
Tiny hair elastics is one of the easiest ways how to keep your fascinator in place. Just make 1-2 small piggy tails in the area where you will place the fascinator and then thread the comb or hairclip through them. Micro hair elastics will be a good choice to secure a fascinator or cocktail hat if you have short hair. I have tested this method myself numerous times – it works. This method will work best when you plan to wear your hair straight.
Bobby pins for securing fascinators or cocktail hats
This is another easy way how to secure fascinators or cocktail hats. Just take two bobby pins, put them in your hair so that they cross in the center. This method will work also for up-dos.
Another time when I recommend using bobby pins is with classic Jacky O’style pillbox hats that are worn at the back of the head. I usually add a mesh crinoline ribbon around the inside of the hat. In this case put on the hat, thread the bobby pin through this mesh ribbon and then pin them in your hair. A couple of pins on either side of the hat will work just fine.
Hat elastic for securing fascinators or cocktail hats
Hat elastics are commonly used for pillboxes/ cocktail hats and fascinators that need to hold snugly to your head. You can do it the simple-messy way – just put the cocktail hat on your head and then somehow try to hide the elastic by stretching it over the lower back of your head. But you can achieve even better results with a little preparation – FIRST gather your hair up with a hair clip or comb, THEN place the fascinator/ hat on your head and arrange the hat elastic around the back of your head. Once the hat elastic is in place, take out the hair clip/ comb and let the hair fall down over the hat elastic. I prefer to make my headpieces with longer hat elastics so that you can secure it easily at the back of your head. You will get even better results if the elastic is close to your hair color. When ordering a hat or fascinator from my collection you can choose the colour of the hat elastic.
When purchasing a headpiece with hat elastic you will sometimes notice that there are mini hair combs as well. The hair combs will make sure that the hat, headband or fascinator stays put and does not slide to the front or side. The same result can be achieved also with bobby pins, you can thread the pins through the hat elastic at the point where the base of the hat touches the head and then fix them in the hair.
Combs for securing fascinators or cocktail hats
In many cases fascinators and small cocktail hats have only a comb or a set of combs to keep them in place. But sometimes a headpiece will have a hat elastic as well as a mini comb. The hair comb will make sure that the hat, headband or fascinator stays put and does not slide to the front or side. The same result can be achieved also with bobby pins, you can thread the pins through the hat elastic at the point where the base of the hat touches the head and then fix them in the hair.
Headband for securing fascinators or cocktail hats
A headband is one of the easiest ways of securing a fascinator or cocktail hat but here are a couple of tricks how you can show off your fascinator/ hat and make the headband less visible. One way is choosing a headband close to your hair color. For my exclusive hats I offer headbands that are close to the hair colour or my customers. For small, lightweight fascinators I use 2mm thin metal headbands that can easily be hidden in the hair. They are also so light and soft that you almost forget you are wearing a headband. But sometimes you have to think of ways how to hide the headband. I have included pictures of the tricks I mostly use. If you have longer hair you have even more options.
These are the tricks I use to secure fascinators and cocktail hats. Choose whichever suits you most and enjoy your special event with your headpiece securely in place.
Read also my post “How to choose the perfect fascinator for you” where I share my advice about the most suitable ways of securing a cocktail hat or fascinator in different situations – when to use hair clips, combs, pins, elastics etc.
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